Getting back! Am I an artist!

This morning in my Emails I saw this Fineartviews newsletter with this subject. Found interesting! I read it and he is so true! I am not the only one! 
Even though my version is little different, the final result is the same.
Painting for all to see, is my gift.
Sharing my creation on my website is my gift.
 “Art cannot be merely commerce. It must also be a gift. The artist creates his idea knowing that it will spread freely, without recompense. Sure, the physical manifestation of the art might sell for a million dollars, but that painting or that song is also going to be enjoyed by someone who didn’t pay for it”. 
Just loved it. I am strong and getting back to my paintings already. I think I am ready to post some soon before I start my travel.

Am I An Artist?
by Moshe Mikanovsky

You might have noticed that I have been away for sometime. Or have you?

The fact is, that I have not painted since the year started. I have not written, nor updated my blog. So what happened?

In one word – Resistance.

I was overwhelmed by that multi-headed monster, which told me that I am not a real artist. That I am not good enough. That I am a fraud. That I cannot give advice to other people while I have not succeeded much on my own. That I would be better with my old job and to let go of my dreams. That I have taken my dreams too seriously and not seriously enough. And much, much more.

And I believed it.

This was on the bad days. On the good ones, the resistance was just tasks I had to do. I had to take care of my family’s needs. I had to learn how to cook. I had to do so much!

And I let it take hold of me and keep me away from making art.
And Seth Godin’s Linchpin showed me what it really means to be an artist.

Here are some quotes from his book:

“Art is unique, new, and challenging to the status quo. It’s not decoration, it’s something that causes change.”

“Art cannot be merely commerce. It must also be a gift. The artist creates his idea knowing that it will spread freely, without recompense. Sure, the physical manifestation of the art might sell for a million dollars, but that painting or that song is also going to be enjoyed by someone who didn’t pay for it”

“Art is an original idea that can be a gift”.

“Most of all, art involves labor. Not the labor of lifting a brush or typing a sentence, but the emotional labor of doing something difficult, taking a risk and extending yourself.”

So to my resistance-monster within (in my Lizard Brain) I say:

I have given, and intend to continue giving, gifts to my family, friends, community.
Writing about my experience is a gift.
Painting for all to see, is my gift.
Sharing my creation on my website is my gift.

I want to be part of the artistic creative tribe, to see it grow, to learn from it and to share my knowledge with it. And the result, sometimes impossibly hard, sometimes unthinkingly taken for granted, is due to my labor as an artist.

Today I have won my constant battle with my personal resistance-monster. Tomorrow is another day and I plan to win the battle again. And they day after. And after that.

What about you? Are you a winner today? Are you an ARTIST!


DJ said…
Hope you'll read my last post: What on Earth are You Doing? It may help a little with the resistance you're experiencing.
Hugs across the miles,
The post is handsomely written. I have bookmarked you for keeping abreast with your new posts.
It is a pleasure going through your post. I have bookmarked you to check out new stuff from your side.
A very well-written post. I read and liked the post and have also bookmarked you. All the best for future endeavors.
Thanks for writing in such an encouraging post. I had a glimpse of it and couldn’t stop reading till I finished. I have already bookmarked you.
Thanks for writing in such an encouraging post. I had a glimpse of it and couldn’t stop reading till I finished. I have already bookmarked you.
The post is handsomely written. I have bookmarked you for keeping abreast with your new posts.
Unknown said…
Well put Thank you and Happy New Year!

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